Sunday, May 28, 2017

What if I Don't Make It and Fail?

I am sure we all at one point in time if not out loud, but at least thought about or asked ourselves this question, "what if I don't make it"?

Actually, it's not a bad question and it stems from the fact that as humans we all have some degree of fear and self-doubt when we want to do something that is new to us or simply out of our comfort zone. And that is why I opined that it is not a bad question and is totally normal and okay to ask ourselves when trying new things. Because if anything at all, it helps curb our arrogance and protect some of us from self harm and perhaps keep our egos on check too. 
However,what is not normal is the fact that, this fear of making mistakes of failure often tends to overcome everything we do in our lives. It makes us so timid that we don't take chances and when we don't, how can we learn new things and grow from there?.

And one thing about all of us is true, we are never done growing up regardless of ones age. There is always room for growth and sometimes the only way we grow is by taking chances and making mistakes as we go in life. I wish I could pour out all the mistakes I have made just this year alone but time and space wouldn't allow it. But as awful as some of the mistakes made me feel, I got to learned a great deal and those mistakes only can be seen today as the building blocks for some success today and some to come tomorrow. If I hadn't venture out and make those mistakes, I would still be me just that I wouldn't have learned anything just like most of us are. So my point I guess is we should never be afraid to make mistakes and fail and for me, I sure going to do some more everyday and who knows, they might as well be the golden bridges to my destinations in life. Note (they are many).

Besides, we all make mistakes, and that is what makes us humans else we would have been called Angels and as Oscar Wilde once said, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” He nailed it.

So it's my hope that from now on, you will stop asking the question of "What if I don't make it?" but instead be out there trying things and making some mistakes and learning from them as you go. 
And I guarantee you, things will be very different for you like it has been for me.Think about it, when you are making mistakes, it simply means you are making new things happen and by so doing, get to try these new things, learn from them, and that is truly being alive. Not to mention we also benefit when we push ourselves from some set limitations, change things about yourselves, and eventually change our world and the things we once perceive through our lenses. And that is what is called Growth!

I hope we go out there, make more mistakes, try new things, fail, try again, learn from them and succeed and change our world. Cheers!!

Yours Pal,


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Long Time and Few Updates

I hope all Ronnie World Fans are doing well. It has been ages since I last updated you about the political environment and state of affair here at home, U.S. Yes, U.S. is home for us be it for good or for ill.

Part of the reason why I was gone in person and not in spirit was that I had to meet my job obligation and to also study for a professional license and I am pleased to report that the test went really well. It  has been over a month now and I will soon be embarking on yet some adventures.

Politically, as you might have been hearing in the media, Washington has a lot of challenges as far as our new President is concerned. It is certainly not easy running the free world as initially thought, so remember to keep our president and his advisers in prayers.
Last time I checked, he has just been back from a nine day trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, and Italy for (G7) meeting. A lot of flip flops along the way but hey, life must go on. Wish us well.

Economically, the dollar has been really wobbly as compared to other peer currencies like the GBP, EUR and JPY. Somewhere and somehow, fortunes were lost but these things happens. The stock market is still doing great post election even though there were series of loses following the firing of FBI director Mr. Comey.

And by and large it's almost summer and I hope you all get to travel, and have some fun.

Be well,

Pal Ron