Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Patient’s Near-Death Experience: A Lesson in Gratitude

During my shift at the hospital, I met a patient whose joy was highly infectious and upbeat, he laughed at everything and radiated positivity. As we talked, I learned that he had survived a near-fatal gunshot wound years ago. His doctors had given him only a 5% chance of survival, yet he defied the odds.  

That experience changed his entire outlook on life. He no longer took anything for granted and found happiness in the simplest moments. His story reminded me how much we stress over things that, in the grand scheme of life, don’t truly matter.  

His resilience was a lesson in gratitude and faith. No matter what we face, choosing joy can be a powerful act.  

Be happy.  

God bless.  

Happy Sunday.

Pal Ronnie

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