Saturday, March 1, 2025

St. Ann's in Hoboken NJ


Today, March 1st, 2025, I went to 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Ann’s in Hoboken. It’s a beautiful parish. The mass was wonderful.  

The Gospel reading was from the parable where Jesus tells His disciples that a blind person cannot lead the blind. He also speaks about noticing the splinter in someone else’s eye while ignoring the plank in our own. We like to judge orders without knowing everything that is going on in their lives. 
See here Gospel: Luke 6:39-45 

I found it very fascinating. It’s always been one of those Gospel readings that make you think, especially when it comes to judging others. Just like when we point fingers at others. The majority of those fingers are always pointing back at us. 
Mother Theresa once said, it's hard to love people we judge. That is true. Try it out. In my line of work, finger pointing is always the order of the day. 

That’s why I usually don’t concern myself much with pointing out other people’s faults. When I feel tempted to criticize someone, I remind myself of my own innate shortcomings that I might be overcoming. We all have faults. I think that’s something we can all benefit from, self-reflection before judgment.  

Mass ended, and I headed back home. While going down the stairs, a woman in front of me introduced her pregnant daughter to the priest saying, “my baby is having a baby”. That got everyone laughing. 

Off to make a phone call. 

Have a great evening, and God bless you and don’t forget, always examine yourself before pointing out others’ faults.  

God bless you, 
Pal Ronnie

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