Monday, March 3, 2025

Tiktok Fame Gone Wrong: A Flight Attendant Fired After Viral Twerking Video

A friend and I often discuss the impact of social media in our time, and today, she sent me a video that perfectly illustrated our ongoing conversation. The video showed an air hostess or flight attendant twerking in an empty plane with the Alaskan Airline, which quickly went viral. Unfortunately for her, it also reached her superiors attention, resulting in her immediate termination.  

This incident was so unfortunate. The young woman was later interviewed on a local TV channel, crying as she explained that she had just completed her six-month probation at a job she loved. She never imagined that making the video would lead to her being fired.  

The lesson here is clear, how on Earth could someone use company property, while in uniform, to create inappropriate content? Whether the plane was empty or not, the lack of professionalism was unbelievable.  

I hope all the TikTok enthusiasts and other platforms take this as a lesson, don’t risk your job for viral fame. Now, she will have more online attention at home than ever, but at what cost?  

I remain your friend.

Ronnie Law 

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