Thursday, October 17, 2024

Being Humans: Why We Should Talk to each other Especially Strangers More

Call me old school, but I just love talking to people—especially those who knows what they are talking about. There’s so much we can learn by talking to people when they open up and share their experiences. 

I once had a patient on his deathbed, and his family spoke about how he knew all the streets in their town and beyond. If you needed directions, you would ask him, and he would be able to guide you perfectly every time with his precise directions.  It sounded like he was more than a GPS. I still wonder how people did it back then without the technology we are so attached to today. There’s something about that kind of knowledge and wisdom and personal connection that technology just can’t replicate.

If given the choice between talking to a human beings or relying on the most advanced technology, I would choose the human  person every time. But we’ve become so dependent on tech that many of us struggle to think independently without it. It's hard to get the attention of a himan being these days. We are constantly on our devices. 

When I shop, I avoid self-checkouts and prefer a human cashier. When I call a business center, I always want to speak with a real person, not a machine. There’s something uniquely fascinating about human interaction, but sadly, we are losing—maybe we have already lost that battle-our sense of humanity. What a sad assessment?

My suggestion? do what I do. I’m not saying I am perfect or immune to technology, far from it, but when you go to the store, choose a human cashier. When you’re out and about, strike up a conversation with someone new. Talk to strangers, even if you already know the answer to something, let them share their thoughts. You’ll learn much more, and you will remember things better.

Give it a try. Let’s not forget the value of human connection through talking to strangers.  

I remain your pal.

A Crisp Thursday Morning on the Island 🏝

I was up early today—5 a.m. to be exact. My morning began with an unexpected but pleasant phone call from a friend in Connecticut. She was driving to work, and we chatted for a while. After our conversation, I sat down to write for about an hour and a half before getting ready for daily Mass at St. Joseph the Worker Church.

After Mass, I made a quick trip to the store, and I have to say, it was a gorgeous morning. The sky was a clear, beautiful blue, and the air had that crisp autumn chill—50 degrees Fahrenheit, the kind of cold weather that wakes you up but isn’t too harsh. I could’ve used a light jacket, but I didn’t bother. A dress shirt was enough for me to soak in the fresh air.

That was how my morning went and started. How was yours?

What Are We Eating? Big Food Has Ruined Our Diets and It's Making Us Very Sick

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the food we eat every day. As many of you know, healthcare is my bread and butter, and I encounter countless people almost daily suffering from illnesses directly linked to their diet. A question I often find myself asking is: What are we really putting into our bodies? Everywhere you look, grocery store shelves are packed with foods that is cheap, convenient, and visually appealing. Walk past a fast food joint, and the aroma is irresistible. But here’s the catch: most of these foods are ultra-processed and loaded with sugars, unhealthy fats, and salt. It’s no wonder chronic diseases like diabetes, cancers and hypertension are skyrocketing. And guess who’s benefiting? Big Health and Big Pharma. Stay tuned.

Big Foods are massive corporations dominating the food industry and have fundamentally changed the way we eat, and not for the better. In their pursuit of profit, they’ve prioritized convenience and taste, sidelining what’s good for us. As a result, many of us are consuming food engineered in laboratories to hit that "sweet spot/buds" of flavor but leave us nutritionally empty or deficient. Pause here and let that sink in.

Now let’s break it down. Most of the processed foods we eat are packaged with added sugars. It’s crucial we understand this and educate each other as we go. I’m sharing this out of the passion and experience I have first hand, and I know what I’m talking about. Trust me. The next time you go food shopping, take a closer look at the labels. See how many grams of sugars are in that pastries you love so much. It’s not just desserts or sodas; sugar is hidden in everything from bread to salad dressings. These sugars spike our blood sugar, leading to weight gain and that automatically increased the risk of diabetes. And the truth is, many people are suffering from this and are deeply unhappy with their weight because of the foods we eat, making it hard to ever lose a pound. 

It’s in a way a vicious cycle, trapping many of us without realizing it. The food we consume makes it almost impossible to lose weight, yet guarantees weight gain simply by its chemical composition.

Then there’s salt. Processed foods are loaded with sodium to preserve them and enhance flavor. Some of these foods have an indefinite shelf life because of the excessive sodium content. Can you imagine that? Too much salt raises blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease. Just think about it this way, where there is salt, water loves to go thereby leading to elevated blood pressures. And let’s not forget the unhealthy fats; particularly trans fats and excessive saturated fats that are added to make these processed foods more palatable and shelf-stable. These fats contribute to obesity, heart disease, and a host of other health problems.

And here’s the kicker: healthy food is hard to find, and when you do find it, it’s expensive. Walk into any grocery store and compare the price of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats to a box of sugary cereal or frozen dinners. The healthier options will cost you an arm and a leg, especially if you’re trying to buy organic produce. For most families, particularly those on tight budgets it’s easier to buy what fills the stomach quickly rather than what’s health-conscious. It’s a sad reality that fast food is cheaper than fresh food. Always. 

This brings us to the heart of the problem: Big Food is driven by profit at all costs. They know we’re drawn to the sugary, salty, and fatty flavors they pack into their products, and they exploit that knowledge to their greedy advantage. They prioritize shelf life over our health, convenience over nourishment. And while we suffer the health consequences, these corporations rake in billions in profits, annually.

The long-term effects are clear with these chronic diseases plaguing our society. The rates of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease are at an all-time high. These are preventable illnesses, yet they’re becoming more common because the food industry has conditioned us to crave the very things that are making us sick.

It’s absolutely unfortunate, but true: we’re a society driven by convenience. And in many cases, the easiest and cheapest food is the worst for us. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We need to push back against Big Foods, demand healthier options, and find ways to make nutritious food more accessible and affordable. We also need to educate ourselves and others about what’s really in the foods we’re eating. In my line of work, education is a big component but it is sad to say that most people don’t care unless they are actively suffering with an illness due to the consequences of them not caring. Nonetheless, we must teach or educate as we go. Don’t assume people know. 

In the meantime, we can start by making small changes in our own lives. Cooking at home more often is a great first step. Try to read labels carefully and choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Any food with a long laundry list of ingredients that you cannot pronounce, not to talk of understand what it is, skip it. If it can rot, it’s good for you. It might not be easy, and it might cost a bit more, but our health is worth it. Because, ultimately, whatever we’re eating is either making us stronger or making us weak and sick. Right now, too many of us are on the wrong side of that equation. Let’s work together, Mathematically, to balance it out simultaneously. 

I remain your pal, ~Ronnie

The Business of a Laundromat: Today's Experience and Reflection

Today, I was home and decided to wash all my beddings: sheets, blankets, everything, all at once. We have a washer and dryer at home, but with three large loads, it felt like too much. There was the big blanket, the whites, and my colored items, mostly scrubs from work. Since I have been working more than anything else lately, scrubs are practically all I wear. Then it hit me: why not take everything to the laundromat? I could wash, dry, and come home with fresh, clean bedding in one go. That thought alone was enticing to me and I did just that. I packed everything up and headed to a spanking brand-new laundromat on East Main Street. I have noticed this and other laundromats as being a booming business, especially on weekends and holidays. 

When I walked in, I was greeted by what seemed to be an older Chinese couple. Not that old, perhaps in their early 70s. They were having lunch but paused to welcome me and asked if I wanted to drop off my laundry. I told them no, I was going to do it myself, and they were perfectly fine with that and directed me to use whatever machines were not being used that I wanted to. The laundromat wasn’t the biggest I have seen, but it was new and neat. I grabbed a cart, dropped in my bed linens, and headed to the machines.

I loaded up the wash in machine numbers: 10, 11, and 12 named “Speed Queen.” I used the biggest one for my heavy-duty blanket and the other two for the rest. The cost? $6.50 for the big blanket machine and $5.50 each for the whites and colored items, totaling $17.50 for three loads. As I stood there waiting, I started thinking about how laundromats could be such a lucrative business, even though they’re often overlooked or dismissed. Perhaps it is because of the notion that this business venture is an avenue for money laundry and hence the name “laundro-mat”.

Anyway, I imagined that the couple I met could very well be the owners, or at least part-owners. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were quite successful, possibly even millionaires. It got me thinking about how their level of education or English fluency probably couldn’t matter much. I wanted to talk to them, knowing me, but I quickly realized that language barrier would not allow us. I did say how are you in Chinese and the wife smiled at me, ha!

Meanwhile, there are thousands if not millions of us out here are highly educated but some drowning in student loan debt, approximately $1.7 trillion dollars nationally and working at jobs we thoroughly hate, and barely making ends meet. And yet we would never consider these ventures as a means of survival.

But there they were, enjoying lunch, looking relaxed, as if nothing in the world matters or could bother them. I was almost jealous about how relaxed they were as this made me realize how many of us wear our stress like our favorite outfit on a daily basis, and without any break. Seeing that contrast made me think: maybe some of us are responsible for overcomplicating things in and around us. Even the people I saw there doing their laundry looked happy and relaxed as well. And these are people society can easily judge as unsuccessful. 

If you’re thinking about starting a business, don’t overlook something almost as simple like a laundromat. Forget about the stereotype that it's a business to launder dirty money, hence the name as stated earlier. It really is a genuine business and people will always need it since not everyone can afford a washer and dryer at home. 

It’s worth considering. Let’s go out and do some business.

I remained your pal, 

Ronnie Law

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Last Sunday's Homily and Reflection October 13th 2024 St. Augustine's Parish New City, New York

 Spiritual Growth: A Lifelong Journey Toward Maturity

The statement, "All things are possible with God," often sparks reflection, especially in the context of a biblical teaching about the difficulty of rich people entering the kingdom of God. It underscores a profound truth: while wealth can be an obstacle, it is not a barrier that cannot be overcome through God's grace. This points us to a broader theme—spiritual growth—and the need for continuous development in our journey of faith. This kind of growth has to be deliberate.

Just as life is about growth, everything living must grow toward full maturity. From conception, a baby begins a journey of growth that continues well after birth. Physical growth eventually reaches a point of maturation in weight, height, and strength. Similarly, in education, we accumulate knowledge and obtain all kinds of degrees, marking milestones in our intellectual development and maturity. But growth does not end here.

We are also called to grow in spirit. Unlike physical or educational growth, spiritual growth does not stop at a particular age or stage of life. It is an ongoing process that continues until the day we die. Spiritual maturity is not a given simply because we grow older; stunted spiritual growth is often not proportional to our biologicall age.

Therefore, we must seek spiritual growth intentionally as stated earlier. Our wealth and achievements are not disabilities or hindrances, but tools that can be used for good. However, if we focus only on accumulating material wealth and neglect our spiritual development, we may find ourselves like the young rich man who walked away sad, overwhelmed by his possessions but lacking what truly matters for his soul's growth and maturity.

In the end, the pursuit of spiritual growth is about aligning ourselves with what is eternal, ensuring that we cultivate our faith and character alongside our worldly successes.


Obviously there was a lot I could reflect on about this homily but this was what stood out the most and got me pondering about life and success-materially.

Yours Pal,
Ron Lawyer

The Storms of Life-My Relections Worth Sharing

 Reflection on the Mass Readings and Homily

At Mass the other day, the first reading was from the book of Kings. Elijah was called to meet God, so he left the cave and went out. First came heavy winds, but God was not in the wind. Then, an earthquake, but God was not there either. After that, there was a fire, but God was not in the fire. Finally, a small, whispering voice came—and that was where Elijah found God. In response, Elijah hid his face in his cloak at the entrance of the cave, recognizing God’s presence in the stillness and silence.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14  

Second Reading

Romans 9:1-5  

In the second reading from the book of Romans, St. Paul speaks of the flesh of his kindred and the sorrow he feels for their separation from Christ.


Matthew 14  

In the Gospel reading, Jesus was heading to the other side of the sea in a boat with His disciples when strong winds arose. Jesus got off the boat and walked on the water toward them. The disciples, astonished, thought He was a ghost. Peter then called out, “Lord, if it’s really You, let me walk to You on the water.” Jesus replied, “Come to Me.” Peter stepped out onto the water and walked toward Jesus, but as soon as he noticed the strength of the wind, he began to sink. In desperation, Peter cried, “Lord, save me!” Jesus extended His hand and pulled Peter up, saying, “You of little faith.”

Peter’s experience is a profound lesson for us all. He was walking on the water with his focus on Jesus, but when his attention shifted to the wind—the distraction—he began to sink. The message here is clear: distractions pull us away from God.

Reflection on Distraction and Focus  

There’s a powerful contrast between the winds in the Gospel and the winds in the first reading. In Elijah’s story, the wind was mighty but empty, a distraction where God could not be found. Similarly, in the Gospel, the wind caused Peter to lose his focus on Christ, leading him to sink. The lesson is profound: God is never in the distractions we fall for. Today, our distractions may come from the news, social media, gossip, or negative influences that aim to pull us away from the life we’re building. Satan works through these distractions to harm us, often using people—whether celebrities, politicians, or influencers—to lead us astray.

We must stay focused on God, His calling, and the assignments He has for us. Like Peter, it’s easy to criticize ourselves when we fail, but remember that Peter was the only one who dared to step out onto the water in the first place. Dare to fail trying. He may have sunk, but he also knew how it felt to walk on water—to experience the impossible.

What winds or distractions are in your life? Only you can answer that. I pray to God to help you stay focused on Him, not on the storms that rage around us—whether they are illness, debt, brokenness, failure, loneliness, or betrayal.

Stay focused, and may God bless us all. 💯🙏💪

Pal Ronnie

Time and Traffic: A Saturday of Farewells and a Deep Reflections

On Saturday, October 12th 2024, the Ghanaian community in the Tri-State area came together to mourn the loss of Brother Raymond Kuuchi, a fellow Ghanaian and beloved family man in Newark New Jersey. 

He was a corporal with the Newark Police Department. RIP brother. 

To my surprise, I discovered that the late brother Raymond was also related to my uncle’s wife, Aunt Juliana Faatah, who now lives in Ohio with my uncle Paul and the family. Upon hearing the news about the funeral arrangement, she made some swift plans to fly into Newark Liberty International Airport on Friday. Though I had to work that day, I was determined to join and support her on Saturday for the funeral service at Christ Assembly Lutheran Church on 664 Broadway in Newark. 

While I am currently based out in Patchogue, East of Long Island for a work assignment, I knew I had a bit of a journey ahead, but I was committed to being there to support her.

As I checked the trip on Google Maps, I noted that it would be a two-hour drive, and since it was Saturday morning, I didn’t anticipate much traffic. In my optimism, I completely overlooked the reality of the weekend tourism and the unpredictable beast that is the New York City traffic. What should have been a manageable two-hour journey quickly unraveled into an ordeal three hours of crawling through traffic jams. At one point, I sat still for over an hour in the middle of Manhattan. As the minutes ticked away, I realized I was going to be too late. By the time I finally arrived, the service and burial were both over. 

I felt a pang of disappointment, but I was grateful to still make it just in time for the repast. My aunt's return flight to Ohio was scheduled for 4:45 PM, so after brief but heartfelt greetings, we had to leave almost immediately. I took her to the airport, and a journey that should have taken 25 minutes stretched into nearly 40, thanks to the unrelenting traffic. It was another reminder of the congestion that defines life in this region. 

When we arrived at Terminal C, we were more than 30 minutes early, which gave us a little time to breathe. I parked at the main entrance with my hazard lights on, and we walked in together. As we approached the check-in counter, a kind young woman greeted us, though she seemed surprised by our timing. "Why are you so late?" she asked with a concerned smile. We explained that it had been a battle with traffic, and she reassured us that she would do her best to check my aunt in. Despite her efforts, she tried twice but told us it was already too late. I was shocked, how could we be considered late when we arrived more than 30 minutes ahead of schedule? It was then that I thought to myself, "I need to write about this." The nature of traffic in the Tri-State area is something else entirely, almost as if it exists on a different planet. It was clear at this point that I was worn out by the traffic, mentally. 

The biggest lesson I learned that day is simple: when planning anything in this area, especially to catch a flight, give yourself at least two extra hours. No matter how early you think you are, NYC traffic has a way of challenging your expectations. Fortunately, my aunt was able to secure another flight after 6 PM, avoiding the misfortune of completely missing her trip back to Ohio. Though her plans were disrupted, I was relieved to hear later that evening that she had arrived home safely. We even shared a video call with my cousins, Hilda and Louisa, which brightened my evening.

The first picture above: in the middle is Aunt Julie, next to her is Mr. Francis. No intro needed for me.

Interestingly, amid all the chaos at the airport, I encountered a dear friend, Benson Matthew, whom I hadn’t seen in over five years. Ben and I worked together at White Plains Hospital over five years ago, where I knew him as a hardworking member of the transport department while he attended nursing school. Over the years, he worked his way up, eventually becoming an assistant manager. To my surprise, Ben shared that he has now returned to radiology from management. It was serendipitous to meet him in such a bustling place, and even more surprising to see him with his new wife by his side. They were on their way to Italy for their honeymoon. It was wonderful to catch up, however briefly, and to congratulate him on his recent marriage. The funny thing is, I had randomly called Ben just a couple of months ago, and planned on calling him again as he was at an event and couldn’t talk but life got in the way. Now, I know I’ll definitely reach out to him soon. After the honeymoon, Ben, we have got to catch up. 

After I dropped my aunt off and bit her farewell I headed to Rockland to visit family before making the drive back to Long Island. This entire day did reinforced an important lesson: when traveling in the Tri-State area, always allow yourself more time than you think you’ll need. Traffic here is unpredictable and often overwhelming, and it can easily turn a well-planned schedule into a stressful scramble.

That was my most recent experience. What about yours? Is traffic as unpredictable in your area as it is here? Let me know in the comments below. 

God bless, and safe travels to all wherever you are headed.

I remain your Pal,

Ronnie Law