Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Storms of Life-My Relections Worth Sharing

 Reflection on the Mass Readings and Homily

At Mass the other day, the first reading was from the book of Kings. Elijah was called to meet God, so he left the cave and went out. First came heavy winds, but God was not in the wind. Then, an earthquake, but God was not there either. After that, there was a fire, but God was not in the fire. Finally, a small, whispering voice came—and that was where Elijah found God. In response, Elijah hid his face in his cloak at the entrance of the cave, recognizing God’s presence in the stillness and silence.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14  

Second Reading

Romans 9:1-5  

In the second reading from the book of Romans, St. Paul speaks of the flesh of his kindred and the sorrow he feels for their separation from Christ.


Matthew 14  

In the Gospel reading, Jesus was heading to the other side of the sea in a boat with His disciples when strong winds arose. Jesus got off the boat and walked on the water toward them. The disciples, astonished, thought He was a ghost. Peter then called out, “Lord, if it’s really You, let me walk to You on the water.” Jesus replied, “Come to Me.” Peter stepped out onto the water and walked toward Jesus, but as soon as he noticed the strength of the wind, he began to sink. In desperation, Peter cried, “Lord, save me!” Jesus extended His hand and pulled Peter up, saying, “You of little faith.”

Peter’s experience is a profound lesson for us all. He was walking on the water with his focus on Jesus, but when his attention shifted to the wind—the distraction—he began to sink. The message here is clear: distractions pull us away from God.

Reflection on Distraction and Focus  

There’s a powerful contrast between the winds in the Gospel and the winds in the first reading. In Elijah’s story, the wind was mighty but empty, a distraction where God could not be found. Similarly, in the Gospel, the wind caused Peter to lose his focus on Christ, leading him to sink. The lesson is profound: God is never in the distractions we fall for. Today, our distractions may come from the news, social media, gossip, or negative influences that aim to pull us away from the life we’re building. Satan works through these distractions to harm us, often using people—whether celebrities, politicians, or influencers—to lead us astray.

We must stay focused on God, His calling, and the assignments He has for us. Like Peter, it’s easy to criticize ourselves when we fail, but remember that Peter was the only one who dared to step out onto the water in the first place. Dare to fail trying. He may have sunk, but he also knew how it felt to walk on water—to experience the impossible.

What winds or distractions are in your life? Only you can answer that. I pray to God to help you stay focused on Him, not on the storms that rage around us—whether they are illness, debt, brokenness, failure, loneliness, or betrayal.

Stay focused, and may God bless us all. 💯🙏💪

Pal Ronnie

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