Thursday, October 17, 2024

Being Humans: Why We Should Talk to each other Especially Strangers More

Call me old school, but I just love talking to people—especially those who knows what they are talking about. There’s so much we can learn by talking to people when they open up and share their experiences. 

I once had a patient on his deathbed, and his family spoke about how he knew all the streets in their town and beyond. If you needed directions, you would ask him, and he would be able to guide you perfectly every time with his precise directions.  It sounded like he was more than a GPS. I still wonder how people did it back then without the technology we are so attached to today. There’s something about that kind of knowledge and wisdom and personal connection that technology just can’t replicate.

If given the choice between talking to a human beings or relying on the most advanced technology, I would choose the human  person every time. But we’ve become so dependent on tech that many of us struggle to think independently without it. It's hard to get the attention of a himan being these days. We are constantly on our devices. 

When I shop, I avoid self-checkouts and prefer a human cashier. When I call a business center, I always want to speak with a real person, not a machine. There’s something uniquely fascinating about human interaction, but sadly, we are losing—maybe we have already lost that battle-our sense of humanity. What a sad assessment?

My suggestion? do what I do. I’m not saying I am perfect or immune to technology, far from it, but when you go to the store, choose a human cashier. When you’re out and about, strike up a conversation with someone new. Talk to strangers, even if you already know the answer to something, let them share their thoughts. You’ll learn much more, and you will remember things better.

Give it a try. Let’s not forget the value of human connection through talking to strangers.  

I remain your pal.

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