Saturday, September 21, 2024

I Am Officially Back


Hi Everybody, 

I just wanted to let you know that I'm back! I promise to write more and keep you updated on what I've been up to on a much more frequent basis. I know I've fallen off my initial mission of frequent writings these past few years—it’s been a lot to keep up with. You know, adulting is no joke, ha!. But the things we enjoy doing should never be sacrificed, no matter what. Nothing is worth that. 

I’ll be traveling more often for work, and I’ll write more about the things I’m so passionate about—healthcare, politics (especially when something catches my attention), geopolitics, culture and everything big business and capitalism. Most of you already know where I stand when it comes to U.S. politics. 

We do love capitalism for its incredible achievements, but we also need to examine its downsides. It's arguably the only economic system that has advanced humanity as much as it has without the same level of deaths and suffering seen in other ideologies. So, that's what you can expect from me going forward.  

Stay tuned! 

Pal Ron 


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