Sunday, September 29, 2024

It’s the Economy, Stupid

It’s the Economy, Stupid

In 1992, Jim Carville had a phrase, 

for Clinton’s run in those campaign days and the former president actually use it. 

"It’s the economy, stupid,".......he would proclaim.

A line that now, I find myself using when I engage in conversations with colleagues at work about the state of the economy and the times we are in. 

Most of us wake up with such a dread in the morning, off to work, where we're often led, and statistically a third of our country’s workforce hate to go to work but must go: no need to guess why,’s the economy, stupid. Ha!

Nothing more and nothing less. 

Then a roof over the head, a home we own or rent; It’s the economy, where the money is spent. 

Food on the table, meals to be fed; it’s the economy, stupid 

The lights we flick when night turns to black; it’s the economy, stupid. 

The gas for the stove, power for the gadgets we love so much at home; it’s the economy, stupid. 

A fridge full of food/groceries doesn’t that feel good? It’s the economy, stupid. 

It’s the economy, stupid x3.

The clothes on our back, the fuel in our cars, for every commute, whether near or far to

work; it's the economy, stupid.

A trip to the doctor, to heal and renew from illnesses, it’s all the economy, that’s carrying

you, stupid. 

Medicine cabinets, prescriptions to fill, it's the economy, stupid.

A parent’s childcare, part of the bills, whether employed or unemployed; it's the economy, stupid.

The cost of tuition that leaves dreams delayed or never realized; it’s the economy, stupid.

No retirement contributions, no plan for the future, it's the economy, stupid.

When layoffs hit, it’s hard to pretend you can make it, it's the economy, stupid. 

No insurance to cover when life’s on the line, it’s the economy, stupid, every time. 

Heat in the winter, cool air in the hot summer; it's the economy, stupid.

Shoes for our kids, or the ones on our feet, everything is money but; it's the economy, stupid.

A phone we replace, the internet’s cost. It's the economy, stupid.

The vacations we dream of, a break we all sought, and yet still, we return to work week

after week. It's the economy, stupid.

So when you're struggling, and when times aren't so good, 

Juggling jobs, trying to make ends meet, understood? It’s the economy, stupid.

So don't you forget that,..... it's all the economy, stupid.

I remain your pal, 

Ronnie, with no regrets. 



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