Wednesday, August 28, 2013

50th anniversary of "I have a dream"

Well, 50 years ago on this date a prophet spoke "I have a dream". Most of us weren't here but the legacy that resulted from that historic "March on Washington" and the dream that was proclaimed has been lived and will continue to be lived for generations to come. Our world since that August of 1963 speech has gone a long way and with more to go. On this day we don't only remember the great speech, but also reflect on the wisdom and vision that Dr. King had in his nonviolent movement and the price that he foresaw coming. In the eyes of the world, it was stupid and cowardice to not retaliate when dogs were unleashed people seeking justice in nonviolent fashion and police beating and spraying them with water host etc. With that, we all need to hold tight to our individual dreams and not focus too much on what the world and masses think or say about us.

 We shall never forget the legacy for us. We as a people need to continue to pursue justice for all.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

President Obama's two days bus tours in Baffulo, Binghamton and to Pennsylvania

 Today Obama gave a magnificent speech at the State University of New York at Buffalo on Students load as part of his Higher Education Affordable Campaign. Man I think it was a good speech despite the fact that he amongst other politicians sometimes spice-up the speeches to get the support of the youth. He did acknowledge however that no matter the cost and other setback in education, yet higher education is still the way for younger people to make it in life in this generation and the others to come. But also made a couple of proposition which his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan would help implement to make things good for all with student loans.  

Of course he also stated he did took student loan to pay for his higher education in law school and finished paying it not long before his election to the U.S. Senate. Money he said could have been saved toward his two girls, Malia and Sasha's college was used to pay for those loans with his wife Mitchele.

My take is that, student loan will somewhat be the next bubble in the U.S. because it is apparent that most young people after college does have hard times paying back their loans because they can hardly find a job. Nonetheless, there is hope that some days some where all of that will be fine.

Please find below a video from YouTube just in case you missed it earlier.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

We Shall Never Forget.

Summer 2013 came to an end for me as at last week. MSMC in NB, Randy P., Nick S, Chris T, Frank back and forth B. Dun E. School,and on the good earth with Nick P and Nick W, finally with the BIG P. Kyle.
We shall never forget.