Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Dad!!

Love you Dad,
Happy Fathers day; a  great day to enjoy being with family, however, my father died 16 years ago and I still miss him so dearly.

It's a day to really appreciate and give thanks to our fathers for the good and great things they did for us. One thing that I was always sure of is that, it's never easy to be a father.
Even though everybody can be a father, but I takes responsible and loving men to be fathers of value. I could always see how Dad will endure sleepless nights to make sure we were fine with everything to make our lives easy.

I have learned a lot from his loving tender care and hopefully one day, I will show the same to some.
 A week ago, I had news that uncle Martino passed away. I will miss him too like I did for Dad.

I was always closer to him, especially during my high school days. I will go and help him in his farm during vacations, since he was a farmer and get some cash back to school when we reopens. May he rest in peace.

Of course, he is one of the many I will one day return home to hear they all joined the silent choir. I feel sorry to the bottom of my heart for that. Life is never fair but we must live it.

All I can do today is, to pray that their souls find God's promised eternal rest. I love you all and on this special day, I remember you and prayed for you. My love will always remain with you until the end of times.

Love always Dad, you are my hero and I believe your love and spirit is still guiding me through a lot in my day to day activities.

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