Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hoping for a wonderful 2012

In less than one more hour, we will be in yet another brand new year being 2012. That is frightening especially for all that wasn’t accomplished in 2011, but whether one likes it or not, the time which has brought us here wouldn’t wait for no one.
Back to my elementary school days, which I still remember very well for some reasons, and on this note, I will say love how my brains or memories works, they are very acute. Those days, we used to have morning parades everyday and at those parades, we will have one of the students mostly a prefect to go in front of us to command the parade. At the parade we will sing our national pledge and the anthem, and then says the Lord’s Prayer since my school was a Catholic School, and I believed those are some of the things that helped shape me the way I am today.
And one other unique lessons I learned from those parades was that, the commander before we go through all of the above routines, he/she will first command us, “Hands stretch forward with eyes straight forward”. To me, that was often seen stressful those days though at that age, one could hardly tell what stress was.
But due to discipline and the quest to be obedient those commands were often taken into account and the results of the above command were often enormous. And thus, we often obtained a very straight and a perfect line and after everything with the announcements, we will sing and match nicely and gently into our various classrooms and there the official business of the day kicks off. Hey! If you doubt this, ask my elementary school teacher who I am so blessed to have on facebook, Mr. Clement H.
I loved it with time, as a result of the perfection attained from day to day and it got to be fun too. And the point I am really trying to make is that, we were never asked to look back, but look forward, all of us and hence a perfect line and a great morning assembly. And as we usher in another brand new year as stated earlier 2012, I will ask that, all of our attentions, efforts and energy be geared toward 2012 without looking back our shortcomings in 2011. There might have been times of failures, embarrassment, disappointment, financial constraints, lost of a love one, joblessness, and the list goes on and on, but then we ought to look into the future with great sense of hope and optimism. I know, 2011 for many of us was tough and we experienced a lot of bad things globally but we cannot get caught up with those, but must strive to move forward.
For instance, the year 2011 for me was a year that I have to be very thankful to the Lord for, the gift of a healthy life and success in getting other things together was enough. But then, I also lost my beloved uncle Martin Diyoh, may he rest in perfect peace.
In 2011, I also got to visit Pennsylvania to see the famous Gettysburg battle field, and from there I went to Washington DC again. And it was a very wonderful experience to be there and this time, I was at Kennedy’s grave, the Arlington National Cemetery, to the Washington National Mall and to the Capitol Hill. For some reasons, it was sacred to say while at the Arlington National Cemetery and off to the Amphitheater, where I witnessed the guards change shifts. It was simply a spectacular event to witness and you don’t have to doubt this.
On and on, here we are in 2012, where we have no idea what to expect but at least one thing I am sure of is politics. God help us.
But I am looking forward this year with so many hopes, hopes that will probably surpass all the insanity I/we went through in 2011. And remember, our voices are very powerful and where we can make our intentions known, we should never hesitate, at least the decision of the selected few does affect us all, so we might just consider being part of it for good as it is an election year.
Personally, I hope to get into school and burn my brains for good or bad and this, only God my creator knows. I also hope to travel to Australia God willing and this too, we will see and my family both at home and abroad, that they should all be blessed with good health and prosperity. Where there is health, there is everything.
I am very hopeful that, everything I have said here will go a long way to be seen as my New Year’s resolution and so be it. But the most important thing is that, may God grant them all and have it come to pass, which I trust so much in God, and that is why you should also trust in God. He did it for many and will never stop doing it for us as well.
Hurray, go out and celebrate yet another wonderful and blessed year and believe in God that it will be our best year.
HAPPY 2012

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