Most folks just hate to be told the truth. My entire life I haven't had anybody told me anything that is the real truth about me and I'm not even referring to criticisms. I just want to say that I love truth and no matter how it is presented, its shape or size if only it is true about me , I'll love to hear it. I'm also not talking out opinions formed by others about me many of them often miss it anyways.
However, the condition of truth as we all know is to allow suffering to speak. When you see the truth about a brother or a sister, a boss, coworker out there and muster the courage to tell it as it, please know that the consequences are not far from you. Because of that, more and more people are not fans of truth telling or let me put it this way, the average person is never courageous enough to voice it out as it is.
Now let me ask you, why do you think is the rationale behind this mess in our world today, poverty, wars, diseases, our broken financial issues etc? you might probably be wondering it is because of the many evils we do, that might be right but it is more than just saying evil. Most people out there see the truth and refuse to speak it because of the negative feedback they might get. Many are also sleep-walking and I just keep wondering how long this sleep walking business is going to take place?. We can all pretend but in the end no one will be exempted but instead we will all face the ugliness of our silence.
Blessed are those who have friends like me to tell them the truth that they hate. I just wish I have people to tell me truths when it is due. Sometimes, I tend to be ignorant of what is going on in our world but I won't personally look at it in that regard. Who knows? that is me and why it is that way I can't tell. I think I lose good friends more quickly than I make them sometimes because of that attribute in me, but should I just succumb to the flow of the forces and keep mute where I'm suppose to speak? I don't think so with respect to my bowl movement.Oh wait,! please your advice is always welcome to why I should probably change for good or bad.
To be quiet when you are suppose to speak is not beautiful so why should you?
Let's be passionate about truth telling, that could be a therapy for the ailments in our world.
1, 2, 3-Speak Out!!!!
Happy weekend pals.
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