Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Today is a nice day, but I woke up very exhausted, I could never boast of a good night sleep.
I think I will need an Advil PM tonight to enable me sleep. I knew I went to bed right, and that is all I can tell you who curiously asked why I didn’t sleep .But, my mental clock was so active that, I was up all night.
Anyway, whatever be the case, I am moving forward, yesterday is a history and tonight could come on or not.
I can‘t tell you how it was going to Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Natural History respectively. I never dreamt I could be there one day in my life, and this is as a result of the fact that I saw this very museum in the movie, night in the museum, years back when I was in Ghana.
Dreams  are alive and mine is more than the word alive. So I challenge you to dream, and make sure you ask God to see your dreams to realities. Sitting in the picture is the main entrance to the museum.
I thank God for these beautiful scenes in NYC.

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