Sunday, August 5, 2012

Our Happiness depends on each other

Our actions must always be on a look out, we ought to be mindful of what we do and say to others because we might end up not only hurting ourselves, but others as well and that is where the ripple effect comes in.

Don't cheat, and the other partner cheated and that was where problems began
I had a nice day last Sunday; went to church, shopping, and hanged out with a great friend. On my way home, I decided to root-in on a friend in his house. When I got there, he was very high, higher than the clouds in the sky and I don't know if you really got it, but he was really high. Besides how high he was, he wasn't happy as he often appears anytime we see each other.
Of course I had to make some inquiries to why he was in such a dilapidated mood. At first he didn't want to say a word or in other words, he was trying to ignore me. But as I dig into him with curiosity and in my own nice way, he began to open up.
So tell me, what’s wrong with you man? I asked and he said well, his girlfriend he hasn’t seen in few days promised she was going to visit him the previous day but she didn’t and as he was working in the afternoon, he received a text message from her that was meant from another man. He said he couldn’t go further in details to tell me more about this so call text message but it indicated that he was being cheated upon by his girlfriend with another man.
I tell you dud, I have never seen my friend in that mood before and the way he spoke I could feel some pains in him and it convinced  me he was seriously hurting and that is why I meant by our happiness depends on one another. There is something about love that many people don’t understand. But when you are in love, you are in with all of your being. Your heart can’t be an exception so it is painful when you see how unfaithful your partner can be to the extent of going an extra mile to cause you so much emotional trauma. The actions of my friend’s girlfriend automatically caused him some sever pains and he could hardly handle it. But before his friend could do such a thing, he was often happy when she visits him, the friendship and companionship was enough to make him happy. Therefore we can’t stand alone or be happy completely by being isolated like islands. One of the reason why God created Eve according to the book of Genesis in the Bible was that, Adams who was the first man to be created was lonely and God saw it and made him asleep so that, He took Adam’s rib and made a woman from it and when Adams woke up, he had a woman as his companion. So if you have a girl friend or a wife and get to have her cause you such emotional pains, then it is worthy of putting off  a sad face and the worst being suicide. I have heard time and again the number of people who had to take their lives simply because their partner has betrayed them in a form of cheating and other things.
It is a sad analysis but I believe many people often fails to reason before they act. The evil we do will always live upon us or haunt us in one way or the other in future. See what happened to my friend’s girlfriend, she cheated without her friend’s notice but God been so good, she sent the text by mistake to him instead of the man she cheated him with. She devastated him and devastated herself because she wanted the whole affair concealed without her friend’s knowledge. Why did she intend to hide? She did so because she wanted to keep deceiving him that she loves him. This is again where light comes in as the truth and unfortunately, no partner will have the courage to go out and cheat and be able to come back to tell their spouse the truth. But the truth will always triumph in the end. So the earlier we embrace the truth and desist from our crooked ways the better. When we learn to live on mindfulness, we will know that others lives depend on ours, and when we misbehave they suffer besides our own suffering all as a result of the fact that we failed to think before acting. See Thich Nhat Hanh (The Buddhist Monk), his fascinating book, The Art of Power
So my dear readers, it is my believe that no matter where we are and what we do, we will always have people around us and we there not play with other people hearts as we can easily damage them for life. Life is precious even to the murderer.
Talking about murder, earlier this week, Sunday to be precise, a young man in his 40s believed to be a White Supremacist invaded the Sikh l temple in Wisconsin and made a way with 6 lives and many others wounded. This came at a time when another gun related killings is still pending court hearing in Colorado, yes that happened exactly 16 days before this one also happened.
We must learn regardless ones gender, race, class, religion, we are all one in the sense that we all have the same feelings and want to live in peace, freedom and live our daily lives without fears. The pain and loses those people will have to bear will automatically spill over to all around them. So it is a high-time men of wicket intentions and mean-spirited learn to be mindful and think deep beyond their own truncated desires and selves. This is where someone could chip in to call them egoist and not to misplace the word on someone who works with others day in and day out to make sure they succeed.
God have mercy on the lost souls.

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