Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Random Scenes

@Somewhere in New Jersey, I love it there as it was one nice and fascinating place

Here I was for festivities only to realize that the rain was few minutes from pouring, that's somewhere in SV,NY

This house right here belongs to the Cooper family, some of the 19th-20th century wealthiest New Yorkers. If you can recall the college, Cooper Union in Manhattan, then you should know about this family. At Cooper, if you get accepted there to study be it Engineering, Architect or their other technical professions, you don't have to pay a dime for it, they are rich enough to take care of all your expenses as far as your education at that institution is concern. That is awesome, isn't it?

Mr. Smiley:) every day is a gift from above and we ought to always forget about our bitter past and be happy. This was somewhere in NJ, it was so pretty such that I didn't want to leave after the purpose at which we were there was fulfilled.

My dream Castle, that was the only reason why I took this photograph. I don't know if you understood what I'm trying to convey to you. In life, we must always take chances and carry with us our dreams that are mightier than ourselves and mine is more than the size of the planet. hahaha!!

A super relaxing evening at my Polish friend's house. "Ronald, pose right there for a picture" she said, and I gave her my almost perfect smile.

And that wasn't all. When we got indoors and as part of the entertainment, she said, "go and sit on that chair, now time to make you a King". Of course I couldn't help it. But somehow, we are all in for Kingship, and indeed we are all kings/queens because our Father in Heaven is a King for our good. So, hail me King Ronald,hahaha!

These flower caught every attention of mine, they were so appealing to the eye

I was on my way to work that morning, "the boola man", that is how we call folks in Ghana whose responsibility it is to take care of garbage. Oh yeah, this young man was all by himself with his huge truck and energy, emptying every garbage pails on the streets. What a nice way to dispose waste? and I bet the young man emptying those bins would be entitle to hefty sums of cash for his job than a bank manager in the developing world like mine. Our sanitation situation in Africa is nothing but deplorable and we must learn to handle our waste in such a nice way by first, inculcating in our people the spirit of discipline as far as waste handling is concern, educate our people on clean environments and its benefits, good remuneration for employees of waste management and the last but not the least, government should make this issue their number priority

Look and you shall see the beauty of this picture, it was almost 9pm by the way. Remember in summer, the day lights are longer than the night.

In case you don't get this, that is Mr. Obama, taller than his opponent Mitt Romney. And never on earth would Obama get this stomach or his wife Michelle will kill him. Oh yeah, she is anti-obesity just so you know. Courtesy the Economist magazine.

Eat good, drink rich, and read the best books you can lay your hands on and you together with your spirit will be powerful, yes powerful enough to constantly call for Socratic questions anytime you are engaged with others. I know many of my pals think this is a really boring habit, but happiness doesn't necessarily come from only money, power, fame, and sex (the number of beautiful woman one has). Those can actually come together as catastrophe and haunt if you don't know how to handle such. "Be wise my son", that was the voice I heard in a dream long time ago.

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