Nothing surprise and annoy me more than a closed and ignorant mind. Well, I don't walk around with the whole world in my head but I don't luck good things a say about others and the world I inhabit. Truth be told I just might as well start ignoring certain people when they talk to me unfortunately. Wait!! I was in Englewood- New Jersey,U.S yesterday and with my sweet friend we did a lot of running rounds in town. Guess what we ran into this fellow who looked like a really nice gentleman and of course we started talking.
Good God he asked me a question and I felt like throwing up. Don't be deceived by how certain people look to you. Despite the fact that we live in an information age with smart devices in our pockets everywhere yet many of us are damn than the word itself.
I know all you my pals are opened minded. The secret!! read wide and watch television shows less.Some are educative but not enough to feed you with the best.
Have a wonderful evening.
Pal, RON:)
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